Saturday, May 16, 2020

Theories of Development Cognitive Theory and Behaviorism ...

Off the five developmental theories, I would like to describe and explain two grand theories, Cognitive theory and Behaviorism. The main concepts of cognitive theory focuses on the developmental process of thinking and how this process affects our actions, attitudes, beliefs and assumptions through a life span. Jean Piaget, Swiss biologist and proponent of cognitive theory, developed a general thesis of cognitive theory; he divided the developmental process of thinking into four stages. He said â€Å"the way people think changes with age as their brains mature and their experiences challenge their past assumptions† (Berger, 8th edition, 2009)† . In my opinion, we use and apply the main concepts of the cognitive theory in everyday life,†¦show more content†¦People in special needs might be different, but they are smart in their own way, amazingly imaginative and very appreciative. Although their life is diverse and uneasy, they always are thankful for another day. They thought me to be a better person and I learned to respect them. These new experiences challenged my past assumptions a nd beliefs. The second theory I would like to talk about is Behaviorism. The main concept of behaviorism is observing human behavior. It is also called a learning theory because it describes the process of learning. Behaviorism is described as a force of habit, meaning that after we learn a certain behavior we repeat it without even thinking about it. The most known proponent of behaviorism was John Watson who believed that scientists should only examine what can be seen or measured, which in this case is a person’s behavior. Another famous behaviorist was Ivan Pavlov, the proponent of classical condition, which is another concept of behaviorism. Classical conditioning focuses on repetition and practice, which Ivan Pavlov proved in an experiment with a salivating dog. B.F. Skinner, one of the most influential psychologists believed in operational conditioning, which explains that consequences, punishment or reinforcement respond to our behavior. I have applied this theory toward my son who is three years old. He is a very curious boy who likes to see how far he can go with his behavior. Because I amShow MoreRelatedBehaviorism Theory On The Theory Of Behaviorism Essay1221 Words   |  5 PagesOne of the theories we have studied this semester in Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science is the Behaviorism theory. The behaviorism theory states that behaviorism is a theory on learning that only concentrates on noticeably observable behaviors and disregards any independent activities of the mind. The Behaviorism theory was brought up by Burrhus Frederic Skinner. He based this theory on operant conditioning. 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