Sunday, January 5, 2020

Gender in Antigone,The Wizard of Oz and The Wicked Free Essay Example, 2500 words

The third question is whether Creon deserves the throne and the last question is whether Creon’s actions are thoughtless or just (Brecht, 2000). I recommend the Greek legend because it provides insights into the Greek society and its culture. In the process of answering the four questions, a reader is able to understand the themes in the play. In the play, gender plays a crucial role because it determines actions and perceptions. In this play, females were considered to be inferior to men. The status of females in the play was equal to the status of slaves in Greece. Antigone’s gender had effects on the significance of her actions (Brecht, 2000). Her actions were defined and restricted according to the rules placed on women. Antigone’s rebellion threatened the society because it upsets gender hierarchy and roles. She refused to remain passive, but focused on overturning the fundamental rules of her society and culture. Sophocles used a female character and gave her a primary part to guarantee that the play was significant. Otherwise, Antigone’s actions would be less significant because they will be perpetrated by a man. We will write a custom essay sample on Gender in Antigone,The Wizard of Oz and The Wicked or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The relations and actions of Antigone and other women in the society are guided by the roles and rules assigned to women. The perception of women as weak beings pervaded the Greek cities. Greek cities had to deal with the issues surrounding women because they were not seen as citizens. Women were not allowed to own property (Brecht, 2000). They were supposed to stay indoors, and in case they left their homes, they were supposed to be guarded by their male friends and family members. Though women were treated badly and considered inferior, people knew that women were powerful and important members of the society. The restrictions and perceptions of women impacted their life. Women were treated as slaves. The status of women during this period was an illustration of social discrepancies in Greece. Women could not own property, which means that they were devoid of the right tools for personal development. Women were seen to belong to the domestic spheres of life (Blundell, 2005). This stereotype required them to provide food for their families, raise children and perform other domestic chores. Women’s rights were limited during this period. Discontentment amongst female members of society led to the emergence of feminist ideas. Women recognized that they could fight for their rights and recognition (Blundell, 2005). This is well represented in Antigone and other plays written by Euripides, Sophocles and Aristophanes.

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